How can we help you?

What shipping methods does Supplemart offer?

Logistics door-to-door delivery: After placing an order, we will deliver it to the address designated by the customer through SF Express according to the delivery date.

When is the fastest delivery time?

We promise T+3 delivery service, the fastest delivery is 36 hours, and the latest delivery is within 3 working days after the order is placed.

How can I get free shipping?

For Hong Kong delivery, you can enjoy free delivery service for every order over HK$500. For delivery discounts in other regions, please contact customer service directly.

Does the door-to-door delivery cover the whole Hong Kong?

We currently provide door-to-door delivery services in Hong Kong Island, Kowloon, New Territories and designated outlying island areas (Discovery Bay, Ma Wan, Tung Chung and Hong Kong International Airport).

Delivery service is temporarily unavailable in the following areas:
1. Outlying islands include Cheung Chau, Lantau Island, Mui Wo, Pui O, Cheung Sha, Tong Fuk, Shui Hau, Shek Pik, Po Lin Monastery, Tai O and areas where trucks are prohibited from entering.
2. The delivery service is not applicable to delivery locations that cannot be reached directly by trucks.

Can I change the shipping address for a confirmed order?

After placing an order, you cannot change the shipping address of a confirmed order. If you need assistance, please contact our customer service.